Register Now for NAHB’s Spring Leadership Meeting and Legislative Conference


NAHB committee and council members, delegates to the Leadership Council, members of the Board of Directors, and executive officers should make plans now to attend the Spring Leadership Meeting and Legislative Conference, June 10-14, at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C.

You can view the schedule, register to attend and book your hotel room on the Spring Leadership Meeting website. The deadline to take advantage of the NAHB hotel block is May 17.

In addition to the leadership meetings, the 2024 NAHB Legislative Conference will be held on Capitol Hill Wednesday, June 12, which will include a morning briefing and reception at the end of the day. The Legislative Conference is a valuable opportunity for members to meet directly with lawmakers to illustrate how key housing issues impact their constituents and the broader economy.

Members are encouraged to work with their HBA leadership to schedule meetings with their congressional delegation. NAHB will provide additional planning materials in the coming weeks.

Any NAHB delegate who would like to submit a resolution or recommendation for the Leadership Council to consider should contact Marc Daniels by May 6. After that date, resolutions and recommendations may still be submitted for consideration but will require a two-thirds majority vote, rather than a simple majority, for passage. Learn more about the resolutions process and view the resolutions approved at the 2024 International Builders’ Show.

Visit to register and access additional meeting resources.

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